Politics: Animal Rights Activists
Preface: I dislike animals because they are stupid.
There is an honest rational for not torturing, neglecting, or overall bringing adverse harm to an innocent animal. The whole concept is quite sadistic. I understand. But in sympathizing, I draw a line that most cross. Specifically, PETA annoys me beyond normal comprehension. These people for faults exclusively their own, have chosen to devote their lives to the ethical treatment of animals. Not children, not abuse victims, not rape victims, not the diseased nor the oppressed, nor the hopeless, nor the sick, nor do they hold protests for civil rights, nor human rights, nor do they spend millions on commercials to bring attention to the importance and dignity of human life. The symbols and beneficiaries of their cause...are animals.
I do not intend to research the scientific differences of consciousness, nor do I claim any unimportance of animals. But I do and will however, ask of animal rights activists why they spend their time on such a task. Why do they value their time better spent saving animals than people—even if only innocent people.
Understand this: the multitude of appropriate causes to be fought for is astounding. There is much to be done—and I say that in the most general sense possible. There is much to be done. But before choosing your life’s work, be it your family, the sick, the unprotected, or innocent, think about every problem—and hold each in perspective. For if you see a dying man or woman standing next to a dying bunny or dog...let’s hope you choose to save the right one.
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