Politics: War and Peace
Nations should drop bombs of firm handshakes and fire bullets that feel like a woman’s touch. Only then will the fierce calm. Only then will the timid speak and the tempered laugh. Only then will war ever make peace.
Simple Assessments from a Careful Observer
Nations should drop bombs of firm handshakes and fire bullets that feel like a woman’s touch. Only then will the fierce calm. Only then will the timid speak and the tempered laugh. Only then will war ever make peace.
Time is too beautiful to be a guy and entirely too complicated to be an it. Time is definitely a girl. She and I have been dating for over two decades now. She is my entire life and I mean nothing to her. It is all quite sad—I think I’ll look into a religion.
The sidewalks are littered with shoe-drawn shapes and two-letter words and sloppy signatures. Indeed—snow makes children of us all.