
Don't forget to put the seat up

My cousin recently commented how men never put the toilet seat down in the bathroom. And how this makes men inconsiderate. But if we actually analyze bathroom etiquette I believe women are getting a far better end of the bargain.

If I use the bathroom after a woman who left the seat down I have to not only pick up the seat at the bottom end (which is grimy and germ-infested) but after going to the bathroom I have to put he seat back down (the end that the lady just sat on). That is a double-grab, or more specifically, a double-touch.

What does the woman have to do? Nothing. So who is inconsiderate? If we really want equality here I suggest women start putting the seat UP for men. That way both sexes are equally responsible for the others’ sanitation.


At 10:49 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Kemery or Katrina? My guess would be Kemery!


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