
Life: Banality

I’m usually not open with my emotions, and I guess a post is impersonal, but still, at least it’s public. And public is open. So I’m moving up in the world...

I cried last night for the first time since winter semester, and over the same person. I don’t think she lost any sleep. Which is OK because she has always been comfortable falling asleep in any position anyway: on a bed, the floor, a couch, with a smile, or in sadness. It doesn’t matter as long as she is tired. That is what I tell myself at least.

I initially thought of a few good lessons to take from tonight’s loss. People change and you can’t hold on fighting for who someone was? Plausible at first, but people don’t change, they just become more honest. A relationship is not defined by how it ends but by how it is remembered? But again no, because relationships are defined by people, and I dwell on endings. Maybe, things happen for a reason? Yes. Although, we do make conscious choices and therefore can’t delegate responsibility to fate. Learn from your mistakes? Nothing I’ve done has been a mistake.

She was and still is many things to me. She makes me vulnerable. Weak even. So to fumble around with some invalid and clichéd idiom is disrespectful to the power of relationships. To our relationship.

I am shocked that she is so callous and am hurt that she is so content. And that is that.


At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relationships can be, and often times are, complicated messes. That is what makes them so terribly confusing at times and yet so needed at others. I have come to realize from past relationships gone "bad" (for lack of a better word) that you do learn from the people you were with...and no matter how cutting and callous the words that are spoken between two people may be, there will always be a lingering connection. Many times, like a haunting. It is all part of life, growing up, and learning...and for many of us, moving on.
So, take what you will from her words, but let me remind everyone that relationships are complicated messes only because the people who are in them make them so. Blase as she may seem, try not to take it to heart, as many times the feeling is only skin deep...

At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nothing I've done has been a mistake."

Perhaps this attitude is part of the reason why things ended?

I don't mean to come across as crass or rude. I don't know anything about the situation and I barely know you. That statement really stood out to me though. I just want to encourage you to use this time for some serious self-reflection. Take a personal inventory and see if there is anything you can improve, because nobody is perfect. Improve yourself to the point where she won't be able to resist you. She'll find it very hard to be callous and content when she realizes what she's missing.

Good luck, and I hope to be able to finally meet you in a few weeks. Will you be coming back to the area for Christmas?


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